Notice – Our agency will be closed on December 25th, 26th, and January 1st. However, our crisis line will remain available for immediate support.

Live-In Treatment

Frontenac Residence

Frontenac Live-In Treatment Program

Adolescents admitted to the Frontenac Live-In Treatment Program are profiled at LIT APP (Live-In Treatment Admission Prioritization Process) and prioritized for date of admission based on complexity/urgency of referral.

The Live-In Treatment program is staffed twenty four hours a day seven days a week.

Our Frontenac Live-In Treatment Goals:

  • To help the adolescent understand and change their behavior in an effort to develop better interpersonal living skills.
  • To teach the adolescent more effective coping skills.
  • To assist the family in shifting family dynamics to facilitate a healthy change in their adolescent.
  • To return the adolescent to the family or to other suitable living arrangement.
  • To alleviate any overt psychiatric/emotional/behavioural symptoms which would prevent the adolescent from living at home or in the community.

Watersdown Live-In Treatment Program

The Live-In Treatment program in Whitby provides short-term assessment and treatment to adolescents in the East Region. Referrals in Durham come through Central Intake and must be connected (by self referral) to Durham Case Coordination Services. All out of area referrals are made through that region’s local Intensive Coordination Services. Priority for placements is determined by Frontenac Youth Services based on need and crisis potential at the time of referral and are reviewed monthly at LIT APP (Live-In Treatment Admission Prioritization Process).

Children/adolescents admitted to this program are considered “Complex Care” (severe needs/problems in a minimum of two areas) and unable to manage within a family or community setting. It is presumed all available “in-home” and respite resources will have been tried and have not been successful.

Our Watersdown Live-In Treatment Goals:

  • Six month assessment placement for complex care youth to help determine long-term planning and any specialized needs
  • Provide a setting where the youth can learn to solve problems and develop self-care skills
  • Provide youth with opportunities to develop social skills and to become more independent and self-sufficient
Watersdown Residence
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